„GERRY WEBER“ brand operates on a global scale and unites strong fashion brands under a single roof: GERRY WEBER , TAIFUN , SAMOON and is one of the largest fashion companies in Germany. All brands stand for high-quality, trend-oriented fashion and ac­cessor­ies for demanding and quality-conscious customers. All brands highlight the wearer’s in­di­vidu­al style in their own unique way.

GERRY WEBER offer charming high quality clothes collections for the businesslike, communicative and modern city lady that actively participates in social life.

The TAIFUN col­lec­tions are trend-oriented and suitable for business at the same time – always with a feminine touch. Its embodies a sure sense of style at the highest fashion level. Selected high-quality materials and young cuts give every single item its own special per­son­al­ity.

SAMOONstands for casual, self-confident fashion for women wearing plus sizes (scale from 42-50). Trendy cuts, high-quality materials and an excellent fit ac­cen­tu­ate the wearer’s fem­in­in­ity. Skillful in­ter­pret­a­tions of current fashion trends ensure that feminine curves are shown in the best possible light, resulting in a new self-assured body per­cep­tion.
